Free Delivery on orders of 60 KD or more



Do I have to pay return fees?

Returning your order has never been easier than before, now it’s free and arranged within 48 hours.

How will I be refunded?

If the order was paid online, we can easily return the amount back to your bank account. But if the order was paid using the cash on delivery service we can only return the amount back through an online voucher that can be used on your next purchase online.

Within how many days can I request a refund?

After receiving the order and within 14 days only, you can submit a return request online. Please note that in order to complete the return request, you must have the items in their original condition with their tags available. This applies only to apparel and clothing since perfumes and cosmetics cannot be returned under any circumstance for hygiene reasons.

How long does it take to get my refund?

Once we receive your returned items we’ll initiate the voucher creation request or the refund request depending on your request. Voucher creation usually takes 24 hours from receiving the order and the refund process might take up to 14 days.

Can I exchange or return an item in your store if I’ve purchased it online?

Unfortunately we do not have this option at the moment, but you may exchange the size or the color of the item you’ve purchased online from the nearest Raval store to you within 14 days of receiving the item just by presenting the invoice that was sent to you initially once the order was placed Raval